Weekly Devotional – “A Dumb Week”


Did you ever have a “dumb” day? A day where you make stupid mistakes and slap yourself in the head while uttering “What was I thinking?”. I have been having such a week! On Monday, I went to … Read More

What Now? – By Peggy Miller


We have now completed the 8th year of our S.T.A.R.S., XCEL, and Beyond XCEL program season! It has been a great year! This year, we had one site director, five interns, and numerous volunteers dedicated … Read More

Weekly Devotional: “Happy News”


This week our Granddaughter and Grandson-in-law announced their second pregnancy.  We are very thrilled for them.  The expectation of a new birth is like happiness overload. How can you not be happy for a wonderful … Read More

“Impossible” – by Chris Heldt


            We celebrate a milestone this weekend.  It was fifty years ago, on July 20, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin first stepped foot onto the surface of the moon.  With the advancement of technology since then, today this … Read More

Weekly Devotional: “Pulling an Albert”


When I was growing up my parents had a good friend named Albert.  Albert and my Father had worked together and they often shared fishing vacations up north.  When my Father was out in the boat fishing … Read More

Modern Day Miracles – Beth Miller


Recently, I was talking with a friend about the pregnancies of Mary and Elizabeth. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was visited by an angel who told her she was carrying the son of God. Elizabeth … Read More

Weekly Devotional – Hands and Feet Of Christ


I love the expression “the hands and feet of Christ”. I love to visualize carrying out this expression. I like to think our church takes this expression to heart. I know from personal experience it does. I … Read More

Weekly Devotional: “Mixed Messages”


Last week I noticed that there was a voicemail on our land line. I listened to the message; it was from the Social Security Administration. Yes, I know, a scam. The woman with the very … Read More