Into The Word

Mondays at 7:15pm in the Conference Room – All are welcome to join. Class will be starting in the middle to end of September around the 16th or 23rd. Check back for a firm start date soon.

This class is finishing a study on 1 Corinthians and will begin 2 Corinthians.

Thursday Night Bible Study

7pm in the Parlor

Join this class for a study of the book of Genesis. Have some good fellowship, a bit of fun and gain a better understanding of Bible times and the teachings of our Lord. All are welcome regardless of Bible knowledge! Class meets most Thursday nights – check with the class, the website calendar or the calendar TV on Sunday mornings to see if class meets that week.

Tuesday Morning Study

Please join us on Tuesday, November 19th at 11:30 for our Advent Study.The book is available on Amazon.

We will meet in the Conference Room from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.

Food for the Body and Soul – Thursdays

Food for the Body and Soul meets on Thursdays at Noon. Bring a sack lunch to eat while we study. Starts on September 12th and will be studying “The Jesus Paul Knew”. Books are $10 and available for purchase during study time.