Mondays & Thursdays – at 10:00am room 301

Follow along to fitness videos with others. Includes variety of chair aerobics, strength training and stretching.

Knit and Crochet Group

Mondays – at 1:00pm in the conference room

Bring your knitting or crochet project to work on in the company of other women. This is a time of sewing and fellowship.

Women’s 4th Day Emmaus Group

Thursdays – at 11:00am

Fourth Day Emmaus is a group dedicated to prayer, support and encouragement of one another to live toward the Christian ideal of a grace-filled life. You do not need to have attended an Emmaus Walk to attend this group. Please contact the church office at 586-731-7667 with any questions. You may also want to call ahead to make sure there is a meeting on that particular day.