Weekly Devotional – “Family”


I have returned from my trip to Illinois to see my daughter and son-in-law, my granddaughters and grandson-in-laws and great grandchildren.  What a blessing.  While they have traveled here, I have been unable to travel for a few years.  I had never seen, beyond pictures, my great granddaughter, now 6 months old.  We have three Great Grandchildren.  They are each unique and yet so much like their parents and grandparents.  I am sure my grandchildren grew weary of my telling them how their Uncle and their Mother did this and that and how they were at the same age, but they let me go on.  I bonded quickly and easily with Ethan, the 2 1/2-year-old.  He calls me Great-Grandma and seemed to enjoy playing silly games with me and telling me stuff, he talks constantly like he has been saving it up for a long time.  Mac the almost 2 year old is going through the 2 year old stage and at this point likes to know Mommy or Daddy are nearby and it took us a little more time to come together, Madilyn smiles like an angel and jabbers like she is eager to tell you a story but just can’t make you understand.  While I was there, she cut 2 teeth and rolled over for the first time. I was constantly reminded of other firsts by their Grandmother and Great Uncle and then their Mothers’ and our other grandson and realized how much I have been blessed.  While with them I was able to forget about the Pandemic, the economy, the racial inequality, and grieving, though never far away, was bearable as I realized what 2 people had brought about in this crazy world, we had made a family and that brought me more joy than I ever felt possible. It was good to go away but it was good to come home and to know that the bonds forged in youth will continue to be there and I will continue to help them know they had a Great Grandmother who loved them beyond measure.

Jesus went away to rest with his family after the miracle at Cana: 

John 2:12 After this he went down to Capernaum with his Mother and brothers and disciples.  There they stayed for a few days.

This is a verse about being a grandparent and family:

Proverbs 17:6 Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.

Lord we thank you for family and for the love they bring us.  We ask Lord that you be with us as we go through this time. Be with those who are ill, those who are suffering economically and those that are treated as less than they are by others. Please Lord may we remember that we are all your children and that you ask us to love one another as you have loved us. Be with our church and may we know that we are the church. It is not a building and does not just happen on Sunday.  We are called to be the hands and feet of Christ. In Jesus name, Amen.

Grace Epperson