Have you experienced kindness in these days of turmoil? A dear friend of mine sent me a note to tell me of an unexpected kindness she had received. She wrote, “I received a special blessing yesterday and I wanted to share it with you.”

“I had determined to get the front yard raking done and, in fact had gotten the easy spots done without too much difficulty, though it took a long time because of all the rest breaks I took! I was, therefore, finally out by the road trying to deal with the Maple leaves that fell so late last fall. If I could just get them all raked into a circle around the trunk of the tree, I would count it success because then I could more easily bag them if I ever could get my hands on more yard waste bags. I was thus engaged when I heard a voice, “Do you need some help, ma’am?” I looked around and there was a young teenage girl across the road standing with her bike. I acknowledged that this was a hard job whereupon she said she could help me. I replied that I only had one rake, but she said she could finish raking the leaves up for me. She walked her bike across the road, leaned it up against the telephone pole and took the rake from me. I said, “Okay, you rake, and I’ll pick up the sticks.” (of which there were many…a whole Winter of God’s wind pruning). I offered her a can of Ginger Ale, all I had, but she declined, saying she lived nearby and would get a drink when she got home. When she finished, I asked her name and told her she had made my day and was a true blessing to me because the leaves had been bothering me but the guy I contacted for Spring yard cleanup wanted $600 which I couldn’t pay, so it’s been a little at a time on my own. She said, “Well, it looked like you were struggling, and I just wanted to help.” I sent her off with God’s blessing and more gratitude than I’ve felt in a long time.”
My friend wrote me “another evidence of God looking out for His own. He is so good… all the time, and it seems even when we least expect it.”
A special “Thank you” to the friend who shared this with me. I did ask her permission to share this story.
When my friend shared this with me, I thought of all those who would have kept on going and not given a thought to a woman struggling to rake her leaves. I thought of the bad rap some of our teenagers receive. Sometimes it seems lately as if there is so little kindness and caring in our world. But many people, when given the opportunity, will help. In the offering and the accepting, these two gave each other a gift.
On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” ‘What is written in the Law?’ he replied. “How do you read it?” He answered: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind,’ and ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”
Luke 10:25-28
Lord, we thank you for your angels that help us in our need. Bless this young girl who sought to help a stranger. Be with those who are suffering in this Pandemic Lord, those who work the frontline, and those who are ill and those who grieve for loved ones lost. Be with those who are suffering Lord and battling cancer and terminal illness, be with their families give them your strength. Be with the lonely and the lost. Lord, bless our Pastor and his ministry, be with his family, be with our Staff and those who are preparing our service, bless their work and be with them. Be with our church family, strengthen them. We thank you Lord for the ways you bless us, for the angels in our lives. Amen
Grace Epperson