So many times, we focus on the sorrows in our lives instead of the joys. I do this often when I write because it is from the sorrows that we are often drawn closer to our God. In our sorrows we learn about ourselves and our human frailties. We learn that we are supported and loved by a God that loved us before we were born, before we were formed in our mother’s womb; a God who loves us in our need and our emptiness. What do we learn from our joys? Sometimes we look on them as earned and as accomplishments, forgetting the God that stood by us in our need. When I had children, I thought my joy was complete. Then I had 3 grandchildren and I thought ‘it doesn’t get any better’, but then -wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles- I had great grandchildren and I knew bliss.
This week we had one of the greatest joys that one can have -we have another great grandchild, a baby girl. A sweet, beautiful baby who reminds me of her mother when she was born and her mother before that. I want to remember this is a gift. One I did not earn, but that was brought to me by a loving God who has said to me, “See what joy I give you, my child. I have brought you out of the depths and now I show you joy!” God knows what we are going through and sends us those pure moments, and sometimes days and even years of unadulterated bliss, the love of a child. There is such happiness in the giving and receiving of the love of a child. I was talking with another woman and we talked about the feeling of contentment one gets when a child puts their arms around your neck and gives you a hug. There is nothing quite like it. It is trust, love, and faith all wrapped up in one embrace. Now I look forward to the precious moments and all the firsts; the first smile, the first tooth, the first time she rolls over, stands up, and takes that first step. She is blessed with loving parents and a big brother who already is showing signs of being a generous and excellent big brother. She will be surrounded by family that love and adore her and she will learn of a God who knows her and loved her always even before she was born.

Lord, we thank you for the joy of the birth of a child. We are so blessed by your love. In our happiness let us not forget those who are grieving, those who are worried about enough food or any food, those who are without shelter, those who are suffering and ill. May we reach out and comfort those who suffer, may we be the hands and feet of Christ in the lives of your children. Bless our Pastor and his family, bless his ministry, be with our staff and leaders, give them strength and guidance. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen
Grace Epperson