Weekly Devotional – A New Year’s Resolution



2020 is here. A time for new beginnings. People are making resolutions. They promise themselves that they will do better, they will eat better, exercise, lose weight, clean out the unused stuff they have accumulated, they’ll study harder, take up a new hobby, go skydiving, take a vacation, meet their neighbors, spend more time with friends and family, attend church regularly and a million other things. But, generally by the end of January these resolutions are forgotten and buried by the effort of living everyday lives. I’ve been there, done that. I make resolutions every day. I no longer make New Year’s resolutions because I fail so miserably, I’ve learned to accept my weakness. I ask God to give me patience, to give me energy, to help me through each day. At night I thank God for the day whether it was good or bad and praise him for never leaving me alone.  I fail every day.  The day starts, and life gets in the way and I am lost in the challenge.  But I know that God walks with me through every effort and every failure. I see his mercy and love in the friends and family who call, the friends and family who help me daily. I see his kindness in those who consistently are there with a helping hand and a listening ear. And when I fail in my resolve, I know that I will have another and yet another chance and through God’s mercies I am never alone but surrounded by a cloud of his witnesses here on earth. 

Lamentations 3:22-24 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore, I will wait for him.”

Lord, we give you thanks for this day and thanks for those who touch our lives with your love.  Be with those who face the challenges of illness, those who are grieving, those whose futures are uncertain, those who seek you and your forgiveness, those who struggle with addiction, those who are separated from loved ones, may they reach out and find forgiveness. Be with our church that we may be a haven and a family to those who seek you and your love and forgiveness. Be with our Pastor and staff as they lead us; we ask your blessings in their lives.  In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Grace Epperson