“Taking A Trip”

I have always loved to travel. It was especially fun when our children were growing up. We took a vacation every year together and traveled to a lot of places. They were always good travelers and enjoyed seeing different parts of the U.S. and Canada. Our first trip as a family, other than our yearly trips to Cedar Point, was to Washington D.C. to see our nation’s capital. They loved the mountains of Pennsylvania and we decided then that we would go to Colorado the next year. We went to Rocky Mountain National Park and then up Pike’s Peak, and then to Utah to the Grand Canyon. The next year we went to the Upper Peninsula and saw the Cascades and Lake Superior and read Hiawatha. We made sure they saw all the Great Lakes, how could you live in Michigan and not see the 5 great lakes, even the one in Canada with a trip to Toronto. Our last trip was to California and we traveled the Northern route there and stayed in Sausalito and then traveled down the state to Tijuana with many stops along the way and then took the Southern route back. Planning the trips were almost as fun as the travel, because everyone had input into what they wanted to see. There were some glitches in our travels, the car broke down in between the old and new strips in Las Vegas, not a nice place but when a rather large gentleman approached the car and asked my son if he had any “dope,” and then if he wanted to buy a ring, my son stayed cool and responded, “No sir” to both questions. The tow truck came, and we spent an unexpected day laying in the sun doing nothing, the car was under warranty and was fixed and we were soon back on track.
One day last week, as I was thinking about the joys of having children and the fun, we had with them and then grandchildren and what fun that was, and now great grandchildren, I was suddenly overcome by the most utter feeling of contentment and joy. I realized how good God had been to me. He has given me so much. I was reminded of the expression, “I asked God for all things so I might enjoy life and he gave me life so I might enjoy all things.” This week I was once again reminded of that utter joy I had experienced with Pastor Don’s words on Sunday, “I asked for nothing more, because I realized God had given me everything,” and that God has given me, “More than we can ask for or imagine.”
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 29:11-13
Lord we thank you that you are our God, that you are with us through the good and the bad. Be with us each day, may we feel your presence. Be with those who are facing difficult times may they seek you and feel your comfort. Be with our church, may we be the hands and feet of Christ. Be with our Pastor, bless his ministry, be with his family, bless them. Be with our staff and leaders, may they feel your presence in all they do. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.
Grace Epperson