Did you ever have a “dumb” day? A day where you make stupid mistakes and slap yourself in the head while uttering “What was I thinking?”. I have been having such a week! On Monday, I went to the bank and discovered I did not have my debit card to withdraw money. No big deal, I had changed purses and had probably left it in the other purse. Then I went to the gas station and discovered I didn’t have my usual credit card that gives me money back on gas purchases. No big deal, I was already getting 90 cents back per gallon thanks to the high cost of prescription medicine. I figured, it must be in the other purse as well. Next, I went to another bank and again could not find the debit card for that account. I went home and went to the old purse and found nothing, nada, no missing cards. I then checked my pockets of clothes and jackets I had recently worn. Nothing. I checked the car, looking under the mat and between the seats. No credit cards. I checked the bank accounts for activity and nothing. I cancelled the two debit cards. I tried to call the credit card company but did not have the phone number that is on the card and had shredded the bill that I had received last month. I ended up with some poor soul in California trying to help me find it, but I could not remember if it was a Visa or Master Card and only had the last 4 digits of the number. I checked the account online but could not get the address or phone number.
Three days later while getting in the car, I spotted something shiny in the back of the front seat. There I found 3 credit cards, 2 had been cancelled but one was still good, so I then decided to grind the 2 cancelled cards up in the shredder. I was talking to someone as I did this and then realized I had partially ground up the only one that was good. I called the credit card company and cancelled the card since it was partially shredded. When I explained what happened to the representative, she laughed. I was happy to be her source of amusement for the day; they probably have a contest. Now I await two new bank debit cards and one new credit card. We all do dumb things, but I find as I get older, I worry more about the dumb things I do. Am I getting senile? Is this the beginning of something worse? Am I losing my abilities? When my Dad was my age and did stuff like this, I said to him: “Well, you can’t handle your checking account anymore, I’ll do it”. It was said with quite a superior attitude. Then I think back to the time I wrote all the checks on a checking account that had been closed for months. Or the time I parked on the other side of the tree and rammed the tree backing up. I was much younger then and did dumb things, why should I expect myself to be better now? Back then I had two toddlers, and I have to say my life is much more complicated now. I will trust in the Lord to let me know when I must give up the doing and rest on my laurels and if he doesn’t tell me, I have two adult children who I am sure will let me know.
Psalm 31:14-15a But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God. My times are in your hands.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the days you give us even when we make them more difficult than they need to be. Be with us each day. Be with those who are grieving, those who hunger for your love, those who face illness, those who are lonely, those who are estranged from family and friends. Bless our children and grandchildren and our great grandchildren. Keep them safe. Be with our church, may we continue to welcome those who seek you and may they find you. Be with our Pastor and staff and our leaders. Bless them. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen
Grace Epperson