This week our Granddaughter and Grandson-in-law announced their second pregnancy. We are very thrilled for them. The expectation of a new birth is like happiness overload. How can you not be happy for a wonderful couple and their son to have an addition to their family? They are such wonderful parents with their first child, loving and protective. I am anxious to see how this next child will impact and add joy to their lives.

Our capacity to love always amazes me. When I had children, I didn’t think I could ever love that much again. Then I had Grandchildren and realized that these little beings brought out a new love just as powerful and protective as that first love. I was blessed to be with them often and to be a part of their lives. Now we have Great grandchildren; a gift I did not expect! While I can’t see them as often or spend time with them, I study their pictures and treasure the videos that I receive. I watch the videos and look at the precious pictures daily. I love them totally. I remember my Great Grandmother with love even though she lived far away. I still treasure the gifts she sent me. I want that for my Great Grandchildren.
God has given us the ability and need to love, and it is a gift. A child that grows up loved by family and extended family has the capacity to return that love. It is like the ripples on a pond and it just keeps going on. This is what Christ left us here on earth, his everlasting love. He has told us to love one another -not only babies, but all of God’s children.
John 13:34-35 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
Galatians 5:14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: Love your neighbor as yourself.
Dear Lord, be with us this day. May we learn to love all those who are children of God. Be with our Church, may we be a loving and giving community. Be with those who grieve, those who are ill, those who are healing, those who face life changing decisions, those who are lonely. May all find strength and help in you and your love. Be with our Pastor, our staff and our leaders. Bless them and our church. In Jesus name, Amen.
Grace Epperson