Weekly Devotional – Life Changes


This week, I saw some changes in my husband…  The man who would go a day without a complete sentence suddenly began to talk nonstop and did not recognize his surroundings or his wife. The man … Read More

Weekly Devotional – Phone Call


I received a phone call this morning from someone who I thought was a friend, his voice was so familiar.  We began chatting and I soon realized it was not a friend, but a wrong … Read More

Alone – Weekly Devotional


I have always needed my alone time.  It helps me clear my head and think, but this is almost too much.  I don’t mind being alone… my husband is still here, but not.  It is … Read More

“Judas” – Weekly Devotional


I have always been fascinated by the story of Judas Iscariot.  It is said that he was preordained to betray Jesus, but if that is true, then could he help himself?  Not much is written … Read More