The 9:30am service is much like you may expect a church service to be. There will be a sermon by the pastor, scripture readings, singing of hymns, and prayer. The music is provided by an organist as well as the chancel choir or handbell choir. Below is a photo of our Sanctuary. There are multiple ways that you can help serve during our worship service. You can join the chancel choir or handbell choir, become an usher, join the hospitality team or become a communion steward or liturgist.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is our adult non-auditioned vocal choir that welcomes all singers aged eighteen and over. The choir rehearses weekly on Monday evenings (6:45 – 7:40 PM) during the choir season (September – June) and typically offers an anthem during Traditional Sanctuary Worship most Sundays. If you are someone who enjoys singing, please consider joining this choir. To join is simple, come to the Choir Room for a Monday rehearsal. You will be warmly welcomed, and we have a choir robe that is your size ready and waiting.
The Gosbells is our adult advanced handbell choir. We welcome ringers who can read music and ideally have prior experience ringing in a handbell choir. The choir rehearses weekly on Monday evenings (7:45 – 9:00 PM) during the choir season (September – May) and typically offers a couple of selections on the Second Sunday of the month during Traditional Sanctuary Worship. The choir holds an annual Christmas concert each December and enjoys attending Handbell Festivals and sharing handbell music with the community. If you have interest in ringing in this handbell choir, please speak to the Director, David Fox.
There are four ushers available every Sunday. The ushers are waiting to greet you at the Sanctuary doors and hand you a bulletin. They can direct you or walk you to a seat in the Sanctuary. Ushers are also responsible for passing out the registration booklets during the service as well as passing the offering plate and taking a head count of those in attendance. The ushers change from week to week and welcome new people to be a part of the usher group. If you are interested in becoming an usher, please contact the church office and we can get you connected with the head usher.
Hospitality Team
The Hospitality Team greets you at the door when you arrive to church on Sunday. They are available to welcome you to church, answer any questions and direct you on where to go. The Hospitality Team watches for guests attending church for the first time, hand out welcome bags and make a note in the hospitality book.
The Liturgist is someone who comes up to the lectern and reads the first scripture lesson during the service on Sunday morning. Liturgists rotate and there is a coordinator that sets up a schedule for them. The church is always looking for volunteers and if reading scripture aloud in front of a group of people interests you, please contact the church office for more information.
Communion Stewards
Communion Stewards assist the Pastor with communion. This would entail passing out bread or holding the chalice of juice. Preparation and clean-up may also be required. Training is available for this role. If you are interested in becoming a communion steward, please contact the church office and we can connect you to the head steward.