Weekly Devotional – Hands and Feet Of Christ


I love the expression “the hands and feet of Christ”. I love to visualize carrying out this expression. I like to think our church takes this expression to heart. I know from personal experience it does. I recently underwent knee replacement surgery. Now, I had the other knee done 3 years ago, so I was not a novice with this surgery and recovery. However, I am 3 years older and my responsibilities at home have changed. Three years ago, my husband could do things that he cannot do now; little things like make a sandwich, fix his cereal, or bring me something. Luckily, I am blessed with family that pitched in to help as well as my neighbor who checked on us often, but a big blessing was my church. Meals were furnished and when I said that I would have trouble using a walker and carrying plates the serving was taken care of. A ride to the Doctor’s office for stitch removal was provided. I was checked on often to make sure my needs were being met. I received cards and phone calls, both much appreciated and treasured. I was blessed with a son-in-law that came and stayed for 5 days and made sure I was taken care of and arranged for extra caregivers for my husband. I am blessed with a son who came and took care of his Dad on the day of surgery and visited daily and then spent the weekend with us and continues to call daily. My daughter-in-law came by and helped often.  All of these people from the Pastor who prayed with us before surgery and checked on me after, to the ones who did hands on care to the ones who cooked meals and the ones who delivered the meals and those who took time to send a card or make a phone call, and the escort to the Doctor’s office  and those who kept us in prayer, were the hands and feet of Christ. I have seen our church, time and again, step up to do what is needed. From the ushers on Sunday to those who prepare funeral luncheons, they are willing to step up and help. This is a church, a community of believers who love and support one another.  But what about those who cannot physically be the hands and feet of Christ? They are the heart of Christ, they are the ones who encourage, mentor, and lift in prayer those in need and encourage those who physically do the work.  Paul said, “without love we are nothing.” 

1 Corinthians 13:1-3 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and I have a faith that can move mountains but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. 

John 13:34-35 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

Lord, I thank you for our church.  This community of believers show your love in the way they care for each other and the way they care for those they don’t know, for the poor, the hungry and the homeless. Continue to bless us with your love as we show that love to others.  Be with our church, may strangers be welcomed, and all come to know you.  Be with our Pastor, our staff and our leaders, guide them and bless them.  Be with those who are grieving, those who face surgery, those who are ill, those who are suffering in silence, may all feel your comfort and peace.  In Jesus name, Amen

Grace Epperson