Sunday, June 14, 2020 Worship Service

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 The mission of our church is “Inviting people to rely on Jesus to find unexpected purpose, peace, and joy.”  It is our hope the worship service you experience today will present our mission statement to you in a way you can grasp and see how it intersects with where you are, and where Christ is calling you to go.  Through the scriptures, the music, and the message, we hope you will know more fully how passionately God is in love with you!


On June 21st, at 10am, we will hold our first “Drive-In” Worship Service!! You will have the choice of remaining in their vehicles, or bringing lawn chairs to sit in while we worship, and remain socially distanced.  We will celebrate Holy Communion at this service.  The church will provide pre-packaged communion elements which require peeling back a celophane and foil tab.  If you prefer to bring communion elements which would be more convenient for you, please feel free to do so. 

We will be worshipping inside the building again on Sunday, July 19th.  We are planning to return to our regular worship schedule of a 9:30am Traditional Service, and an 11am Contemporary Worship Service.  

We have given away over 800 face masks to our community!! We are so grateful for the faithful ladies who sew these masks, and their commitment to help keep our community safe!

Please enjoy the worship service!!

If you would like to give an offering, please visit our e-giving page! Thank you!!