How can there be blessings in chaos or blessings in a pandemic? We just have to look around us. The birds still sing and there is life in their nests. There is a blessing in the change of seasons as we welcome summer and the promise of warm sunny days. The world still laughs at the funny and ridiculous -just check out Facebook. People continue to fall in love, although traditional marriage customs have been altered, lovers have found new ways to join in marriage and commit not just to a ceremony but to a life together. Babies are born and treasured even more by those denied that first glimpse and holding of an infant. Babies still learn new things like their first laugh, and first attempt to talk through gibberish, their first step, and the first time they try to return a kiss. There can be a blessing in the loss of the traditional ceremonies for graduations as people form parades in their cars to honor a graduate and monies spent on ceremonies are used for family time, the first lasts for an afternoon and the second lasts for a lifetime. People even find new ways to mourn as they remember the funny stories and friends listen and laugh with us and the healing begins. It is a blessing that people are still healed in hospitals and God still performs miracles. There are blessings in being a church without a building as we call and pray for each other and become the church. There is a blessing in time spent together as a family and parents and children find new ways to be together and parents have a new appreciation for teachers. There are even blessings in death as we see a loved one released from the disease which bound him to this earth and there is a blessing in remembering that life.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you: I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 40:10
We thank you Lord for the blessings we see daily in our lives. Help those who are suffering, those that fear loss of their business and livelihood, those who have lost jobs and are trying to just survive this pandemic, those who are ill and those who mourn. Be with those who have much and those who have little, may the first be generous and the second accept the help offered. Be with our church, may we be the hands and feet of Jesus and a blessing to each other. Be with our Pastor and bless his ministry as he finds new ways to minister, strengthen him and watch over him and his family, Be with our staff, bless them and strengthen them as they seek to serve the church and you. May we be grateful for the food on our table, the shelter of our homes, and your love and the love of those around us. In Jesus name, Amen.
Grace Epperson