The Pastor’s “PPPs”


It made me chuckle to be told I should take some pictures of my PPP’s.  I had to ask for clarification.  “You should get some pictures of your ‘pastor’s pandemic projects’” was the explanation.  I decided that would be a great idea, so I took the opportunity to take a couple of pictures right away, while the painter (who made the comment) was at his task.

The kitchen is a room here at the church, which rarely goes unused for periods of time long enough to make it convenient to empty it and re-paint it.  When we came to the point of being able to unplug the refrigerator and the freezer, inspiration hit.  The kitchen has been worked on for weeks now.  The painting of the walls will soon be completed, and then the upper cabinets will be painted.  This project has spawned many other projects, and I am sure folks will be very pleased when we begin using the kitchen again!

You’ve been asked to hang on to your bottles and cans, as there is an upcoming fundraiser here at church.  Those bottles and cans are going to make a huge impact.  The long-overgrown bushes on the east side of the building have been cut down, and new landscaping will replace these woody beasts.  I am very much anticipating a beautiful new garden which will require less maintenance!

The handrails to help people stay safe, going upstairs and downstairs in the education part of the building have needed to be refinished for years.  This was one of the first projects identified, and they turned out beautifully!

For the last number of years, we have cleaned the oak doors inside the glass doors at the main entrance.  After cleaning, we have used some tricks to try to infuse some color back into the doors, as the sun has bleached them.  This year, we decided they were too damaged, so they are in the process of being sanded, stained, and refinished.  I am looking forward to the restoration!

With the increased demand for our food pantry, it did not make sense to bring the food in, put it in the basement food pantry, and then haul it back upstairs.  All of the food was carried upstairs, and with the room almost empty, I made the decision it was time to re-organize the shelves.  The room was thoroughly cleaned and is ready to hold our food pantry again.

Without even being asked by me, talented and dedicated folks began the process of cleaning and waxing all of the tile floors in the building.  A great job was done because the floors shine like glass!

I am so very grateful for the many folks who have pitched in.  Most times, these workers have been doing these projects while they were the only one present.  The truly remarkable thing is that they keep coming back!

There have been other projects undertaken at church, so please don’t think this is a complete list.  If you would like to participate in one of the PPP’s (in a safely social-distanced manner) please call the office or Pastor Don.  Putting the kitchen back together will require much extra cleaning, so if cleaning is your thing, please reach out!!!

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Don