Weekly Devotional – Life Changes


This week, I saw some changes in my husband…  The man who would go a day without a complete sentence suddenly began to talk nonstop and did not recognize his surroundings or his wife. The man who slept for hours on end is now up half the night. The man who I have said would not wander has tried to get out the front door. Luckily, he had forgotten how to undo the dead bolt and just stood there screaming, “Help”!  We all undergo changes over time in our behavior and actions.  

I never thought I would sleep in and stay in my pajamas until after noon, or not make the bed (please don’t tell my children this as they were required to always make their beds), or have a sandwich and ice cream for supper (next I’ll just make an ice cream sandwich). This isolation is changing our behavior and habits.  We cannot go out and no one can come in, so what does our behavior matter?  I need to be doing, not just loafing all day; I spend way too much time playing games on the computer.  I do laundry but the clothes sit in the dryer (this, however, is not unusual for me). I normally have a wonderful cleaning person who runs the vacuum, dusts, and cleans the house. Now, those tasks fall to me, but I must admit I am derelict in that duty. We normally have a caregiver for my husband, but now I must bathe him and make sure he brushes his teeth.  One day he had his shirt on backwards, I left it and spent the day pondering how in the world he buttoned it!  This will end, when, we don’t know for sure, and we will go back to our old ways. I will be bathed and dressed early, the house will be cleaned, meals will be prepared, order will be maintained.  My husband is changing and that will not be undone, but I will, with God’s help, learn to live with the changes while keeping who I am.  The good news with the isolation and the virus is the kindnesses that are being shown to each other.  

I receive phone calls inquiring as to our wellbeing and offers of help.  My son gets us groceries and leaves them in the garage and then stands outside and we can talk. Our Grandson continues to take out the trash and calls regularly.  Others, especially our daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughters call or text to check on us.  Our granddaughters send me videos and pictures of our great-grandchildren (emphasis on great); they lift my spirits and bring me joy. The church is staying connected through videos, phone calls, and emails. I am so grateful for all these connections and the joy they bring into my life. The video conferences are great because then I can see friends in real time and I must put on make-up, comb my hair and get dressed from the waist up.  This will end and we will persevere with God’s help.

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord shall renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40: 28-31

Lord, be with us in this time of isolation, worry and fear. Strengthen us, give us your hope and courage. Be with those who fight this pandemic in the hospitals; be with the first responders, be with those who work in the stores that provide our medications and necessities. Be with those who have lost jobs and those who businesses are suffering. Be with our Pastor, bless his ministry, strengthen him for this time none of us has foreseen, be with his family, be with our staff as they continue to serve us, strengthen them and guide them, be with our church family may they give and receive your love. Amen

Grace Epperson