This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday, and I ask myself how we could be growing so close to Holy Week? I think the rhythm of church life is off for me. Not being able to see folks on Sunday mornings, not being able to share a greeting, or a fist bump somehow throws off my sense of the procession of time. Perhaps you are feeling something similar. If I’m alone in this, humor me.
We have special plans for how we will observe Holy Week this year. On Maundy Thursday, you will want to find our posted video. We will share a video of the “Living Last Supper” from a few years ago. I know this production has always blessed and challenged me, and I hope you find it a blessing, as well.
We are planning something special for Good Friday, as well. Look for more information in next week’s midweek Messenger.
Your church is still strong! We are meeting more needs through our food pantry than usual. In March alone, we served more than double the number of families we typically serve. The first two days of April, we are caring for almost as many families as we usually would in a month.
Your church is still strong! In a modified fashion, we are preparing to “host” our week of MCREST. We won’t be able to host the MCREST guests here at the church this year, but we are still going to do all we can. In a modified way, we will provide meals for the guests. Because we are all needing to stay home as much as possible, we won’t be asking folks to purchase food items; instead, we are asking for monetary donations to cover the food. Also, since the guests are staying at a motel, we are asking for donations of money to help defray the cost of housing. Please give generously, and witness to our faith, and how Christ calls us to live it out.
Your church is strong! The Easter letter went out earlier this week. This appeal and the Christmas letter appeal is how we fund much of the mission work our church does. Those we have pledged to support don’t have some other source of funding, so please give generously, and witness to your faith, and how Christ calls us to live it out.
Finally, I am grateful for the thirteen folks who are calling our church members once a week. Please allow them to pray with you, share with them a concern you want me to be made aware of, or let them know if you are unable to watch our online worship services. Perhaps we can figure out a way to get you more connected.
Grace and Peace,
Rev. Don