Once again, we are waiting for Christmas. We wait for the birth of the Christ child and the praise and singing and adoration for the birth of a savior. We wait patiently. I had some practice in waiting this week. I had to make a Doctor’s appointment on Monday as I had become sick Sunday evening. I had not been feeling up to par for a couple weeks but basically thought I was just tired. I went to my Drs appointment and of course, had to wait for a bit, not bad but more than usual. The doctor sent me to the Lab for tests. The girl at the lab told me she was closing for lunch and didn’t have the vials necessary for the culture the Dr had ordered and that I should go over to the hospital and have my x ray and lab work done there. I went to the hospital and there were a few people ahead of me. I waited and waited, they seemed to be taking about 15 minutes between calls and I noticed that the people went in but never came out. I thought they called my name but when I went up, they said no, they had called Janice. Meanwhile Janice is at the desk yelling at this elderly man who was deafer than I, that they had called me ahead of her. Janice was keeping track. I apologized for my mistake and went back to sit down again. Got out my phone and called a lab by my house. The Lab said they were open, but I should come as soon as possible. I then left the hospital after bidding goodbye to the deaf gentleman. I didn’t think he heard me, so I pointed to the door and waved goodbye. I then drove to the Lab by my house and had to wait a few minutes but nothing bad. Then I had to drive back to the outpatient x ray place near the doctor’s office where I once again had to wait for a bit to get my chest x ray. Then it was to the pharmacy by my house to pick up the prescription. Unfortunately, the doctor had called the wrong Kroger pharmacy. They checked the profile (I didn’t know I had a profile at Kroger) and found my prescription was at 25 and Dequindre instead of 26 and Van Dyke. So, I then had to go over there to pick up the medication. I arrived home from my 11:30 appointment after 4 PM. Many of you know that I have frequently prayed for patience and that I don’t wait well, God gave me a day to teach me patience. I think I failed. But I will get another chance to practice waiting and patience. God is not done with me yet. Mary trusted as she waited for the Christ child’s birth.
And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the mighty one has done great things for me-holy is his name.
Luke 1:46-49
Lord, we await the arrival of the Christ child, the Christmas miracle. May we be patient as we wait, and may we remember what the season is really about. May we remember the meaning of Christmas, the arrival of the Christ child. May it grow in our kindness to others, in our caring, in our actions, in the way we treat those less fortunate. Amen
Grace Epperson