Thanksgiving Will Be Different – Message from Rev. Don


Yesterday, our son-in-law called to let me know our three-month-old granddaughter’s illness had become more involved, and he was taking her to her doctor for care.  As the day progressed, her illness became more and more serious.  How does a grandfather’s heart not rise into their throat when a baby they hold dear is in the hospital and losing ground?

I began to pray, and I enlisted friends I knew would pray.  Facebook can be such an essential tool for such an occasion.  People I knew and many I did not (as the need to pray for Adaline was quickly picked up by churches across Michigan, and other states, and even national prayer chains) began to pray.  I tried to focus on some of the work I needed to do, but I felt I was involved in a struggle I couldn’t lay down.

Over this summer, Laura and I reconnected with friends we knew from way back when I was a seminary student.  They happen to live in Savannah, where our granddaughter is in ICU.  I reached out, and Jennifer was able to meet our daughter and granddaughter when they arrived by ambulance from the other hospital.  It was a great comfort to have a friend be there when the distance didn’t allow us to be with them.

This morning (Thursday), our daughter let us know Adaline had improved enough to be taken off the oxygen.  I was and am so grateful!  Still, they discovered she had a second virus, so she has even more to overcome.  The medical staff estimate she will need to remain in the ICU for another couple of days.  She is still a sick little girl, and we still covet prayers for her healing. 

We will be with our daughter and her family for Thanksgiving.  I can honestly say I am thankful for my family every Thanksgiving, and all of the year through.  But how differently will I look upon this blessing this year?  How grateful will I be for this church, and how folks here went to God in prayer on behalf of our Adaline?  How about my thankfulness for friends who stand in the gap?  How thankful will I find myself for our God who is the source of healing?

I pray every one of us finds a deep and profound spirit of thankfulness and can live from that perspective every day!

Grace and Peace,
Rev. Don