Into The Word

Mondays at 7:15pm in the Conference Room – All are welcome to join.

This class is finishing a study on 1 Corinthians and will begin 2 Corinthians.

Thursday Night Bible Study

7pm in the Parlor

Join this class for a study of the book of Genesis. Have some good fellowship, a bit of fun and gain a better understanding of Bible times and the teachings of our Lord. All are welcome regardless of Bible knowledge! Thursday schedule below:

January – 9, 16, 23, 30; February – 6; March 6, 13, 27; April 3, 10

Tuesday Morning Study

Please join us on Tuesday mornings for a bible study. We will meet in the Conference Room from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. Starting March 11th thru April 15th we will begin a 6 week Lenten Study “He Chose the Nails”